Monday, December 29, 2008

Parking abuses - Second Time Regarding this issue

During the past couple of weeks, I have heard comments at various meetings regarding the need for more “disabled parking” throughout Eureka. It triggered more of a thought from a commentary I listened to on KINS Radio for more disabled parking in Old Town.

It is not more “disabled parking” that is needed, but less abuse of the “parking privilege” that is needed. One only needs to look closer and you see individuals jumping out of vehicles parked in the disabled parking that have no obvious need (Yes, we have good and bad days.). Disabled parking was originally started for those with mobility difficulties.

Instead of looking for additional parking for the disabled, why not address the need for more public transportation that provides a more convenient use in the Old Town area (throughout the community as a matter of fact)? Promote the addition of feeder routes to the larger system, as well as having the transit system provide more service during the hours of operation.

The addition of disabled parking in Old Town is not needed; but the addition of a transit system that is used and supported by the community is what is needed.

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