Thursday, February 5, 2009

Support Funding for Centers for Independent Living

To: Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer

I am writing to urge you to support funding for Centers for Independent Living in the stimulus bill.

I am writing to let you know how deeply concerned I am about the Senate decision to eliminate stimulus funding for Independent Living Centers (ILC). ILCs play a critical role in assisting people with disabilities in living independently, gaining employment and living in the community rather than institutions.

In California, there are 29 Independent Living Centers located throughout the state. California’s Independent Living Centers provide information and referrals, direct services, systems advocacy, employment development, personal assistant referrals, housing assistance, peer support, independent living skills training, assistive technology advocacy, and many other services.

Centers all across the nation play need to play a critical role in making sure that people with disabilities are not left out of the opportunities for employment that the stimulus will create.

Make sure that YES WE CAN includes People with True Disabilities!


Charles Bean

1 comment:

Lisa said...

An Independent Living Community is a good option for seniors who can manage things on their own and need minimal assistance.Also the social activities and mingling with like minded people of their age keeps them happy and relaxed.