Monday, January 19, 2009

Humboldt plans for inauguration day

I feel it is a great day to be remembered; one more positive event to look back at in the future.

Many can remember when JFK made his inauguration speech and when he was shot. We also remember the shooting of his brother Robert. As well as Martin Luther King at his motel. (These are just a couple things that quickly come to mind.)

Thinking about these three gives me and I believe, many others hope for opportunties towards equality amongst the various diverse groups we have here in the States. They represented dreams and thoughts of the times which are only now being realized with Obama being elected as our President as one example.

The celebration happening for this event is an opportunity to reflect back on our past, but also to look forward to the possible opportunities that may happen if we believe in hope and work together towards common goals as a community.

We should look back at the past events and build on our mistakes and accomplishments to create a stronger community we have here in Humboldt.

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