Sunday, January 4, 2009

Increase in Fuel Tax?

In the past few years, a couple groups have gotten together and talked about raising the gas tax charged. Raise the Federal tax to 50 cents per gallon was one suggestion and another was to raise it 50 percent of what it is currently (18 cents to 27 cents, I believe.).

The State of California has even had this suggested, to raise the State gas tax. This was needed to help with the State's current deficit of 41 billion dollars. Both the Federal and State government branches are hoping something of an increase would allow for more money to be collected in order to pay for infrastructure improvement and public transportation.

I wonder if it would be better to just establish toll gates and the entry-ways of each county. Such as at the north and south end of Hwy. 101 of Humboldt County, on the east side of Humboldt County on Highways 36, 96 and 299 (Of course this would be done throughout the State, and nation for each established County.). Maybe charge $5 per car, $7 per truck and bus, and maybe $3 for the motorcycle.

The money collected would go for paying for the toll gate keepers and a small percentage to the State; leaving the balance to go to the Counties to pay for their individual infrastructure projects and public transportation.

I believe developing toll gates may be a future way of encouraging less transportation on our highways and more use of mass transit. Mass transit, along with new energy sources for future transportations are coming and they need to be used by all. of course, with new methods of energy for our transportation needs, will probably come more taxes, you think?

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